King James Bible

King James Bible

Our friend Pokey!!

Our friend Pokey!!
Our friend Pokey!!

In fond Memory!

In fond Memory!
In Fond Memory of Mr. Chew!

Saturday, July 04, 2015


Did you know that elephants are trained to stay where they are by tying a rope around one of their massive legs and attaching it to a peg in the ground? Can the peg and rope really hold back an elephant? Absolutely not!
Then why does it work? Because elephants grow up believing it will. Maybe they tried pulling away when they were young with no success. Maybe they were injured by their action. After enough failures, they stop trying. They no longer test the restraint, and confine themselves when tethered to the rope.
This object lesson can certainly teach us about adopting false biblical habits when only a babe in Christ. We assume, like the elephant, that the way we believe and do things can never be changed- we are holden of it.
All that mature elephant need do is lift his leg and the rope restraint will snap like a twig. We too, can read afresh the scriptures and just walk away in total victory. What are your restraints? Are they Calvinism, unscriptural traditions, the version debuckle, materialism , etc etc? You be the judge.

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